Labels:crt screen | monitor | web site | window OCR: Prikazovy radek Downloadsregdacl RegDACL Permiss ions Manager for Registry keys for Windows Copyr ight c 666 -2007 Frank Heyne Sof tware http This program is Freeware use it on your own risk Usage RegDACL Key Commands Key computer lroot[\subkey] conputer remo te machine root HKLM HKU HKCU, HKCC HKCR subkey: path to the key you want to change or Query Commands /L List DACL how current permiss ions> List Eff ect current permiss ions /QXX perms <I Query perms for xx Does ACE with perms exist? /AXX perms Are perms al lowed for xx Does XX have perms effective ly? The next commands are avai lable in the regis tered vers ion onl FX Perms Find all subkeys with Perns for XX Find subkeys not available in NT Change Conmands /GXX perms <I Grant Access <add Perms to existing permiss ions for ...